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Random Data Generation

You can use the following functions to generate random data in Timeplus.



rand() or rand32()

Generates a random uint32 number.



Generates a random uint64 number.




Generates a string with a random set of ASCII characters. All characters are printable.



Generates a string of the specified length filled with random bytes (including zero bytes). Not all characters may be printable.



Generates a binary string of the specified length filled with random bytes (including zero bytes). Not all characters may be printable.

Any date type, any logic

Timeplus also provides a random_in_type function to generate random value in any data type, with any custom logic.


This function takes at least 1 parameter, can be 2, can be 3.


random_in_type(datatype [,max_value] [,generator_lambda])

When there is only one parameter specific, it generates a random value in that type, such as

  • random_in_type('int') returns a random int.
  • random_in_type('uint') returns a random uint(unsigned integer, positive number)
  • random_in_type('string') returns a random string
  • random_in_type('date') returns a random date
  • random_in_type('decimal32(3)') returns a random decimal
  • random_in_type('uuid') returns a random uuid
  • random_in_type('ipv4') returns a random ipv4
  • random_in_type('ipv6') returns a random ipv6

You can set the 2nd parameter as the max value, as large as UINT64_MAX. Then the function will generate a random value in that type, smaller than the 2nd parameter, such as

  • random_in_type('int',3) returns a random int, either 0, 1, or 2.
  • random_in_type('date',30) returns a random date since 1970-01-01, no later than 1970-01-30.

The 2nd parameter can be a lambda function to customize the generation logic, such as

  • random_in_type('int',x -> to_int(2*x)) returns a random int multiply with 2

You can also specify the maximum value and lambda together, such as

  • random_in_type('date32', 3, x -> to_date('2023-9-1') + interval x day) returns a random date since 2023-09-01, for the first 3 days.